2023, “Don Quijote” - Teateret Slotsgården. Butler, actor, musician & circus artist. Dramatization & staging: Johan Sarauw & Jo Hedegaard. 15. of july till 19. of August.

2023, “Going Nowhere” - Solo show produced by Out of Balanz & Directed by Troels Findsen. Premiered March. Supported by the Danish Art Foundation.

2023, “Mellemrum” by X-Act - Kitt Johnson. Site specific dance performance In Thy national park. 

2022, Tivoli Christmas show - Performing clown act with the Tivoli Big Band & Rasmus Botoft.

2022-2023, Solo acts at Nørrebro Teater “Late Night Lørdag”.

2021-2023, “Circus Without Circus”, EU Project. Residencies with 18 artists from 4 different countries.

2021, Touring with circus/dance performance by Gazart company for age 0-4.

2020, August-December - Creating show & teaching magic, music, dance & theater at Gawenda. (Age 10-25).

2020, Sep. Boomerang, - Artistic leader for performative travel agency - touring and performing at Hawila sailship. Se more:

2020, June. “Walking Copehagen” 12 hour long performance, arranged by Metropolis Festival. See more at: 

2019, November - Premier with own circus/music production at Merge festival in Oslo with Lasse Munk.

2019, October - One month residency at Dynamo workspace in Odense with Bugge Bang & Co.

2018, January-Septemper 2019. Producing & performing “Into the water” nordic tour show. - with Acting for Climate company, premier 1st. Of July. 2019.

2018, October-November. Teacher at folk high school. - AFUKs Perform line & at Teater & Musik højskolen. 

2017, January. Tour with the music trio Verdensstjernerne (The World stars) in Palestine. - Performed and directed a music circus show and gave workshop for refugee kids in Ramallah. 

2017, February. Vinter Martinet, Together with 3 other actors/artists I was touring Denmark with the children show. I produced and played live all music for the 1 hour long show. 

2016, Septemper. Pianist at Teatermuseet i Hofteatret. - Musician at Urban trail run. 

2015, October. Circa circus festival, Auch – France.

2013-2015. Sputnik & Wild Wonders Cabarets
- Performed own circus acts at Prags boulevard, Koncertkirken, Godsbanen, and Dome of Visions. 

2014, January. DiamantEnsemblet - New years eve concert.
- Musician in big show at the Royal black diamant. Together with Royal ballet dancer and orchestra. 

2011-2013. Drummer in our surf-rock band, Danghera. Playing all around Denmark and abroad in Sweden, Germany and Poland. 


2019 - 2020 Rytmisk Musik Center - Courses in Piano, music theory & rhythm. 

2014-2018 AMOC - Academy for MOdern Circus. (Bachelor level in circus) 

2017 (Aug-Nov) DOCH - Stockholm University of the arts. 3 Month course in Juggling & Music with Jay Gilligan. 

2014-2016 Monthly private classes with voice coach Nini Matessi.

2011-2014 AFUK artistline. (Prep circus school)

2010-2011 Langelands Efterskole 10th. Class. (World music line) 

Born: 22.02.1994        

Languages: Speaks danish, english & esperanto. Learning swedish & norwegian.


